Some of the many reasons our customers choose Cartonage
- Cartonage’s printed carton production processes are flexible, adaptable & sustainable.
- We are cost effectively able to produce small, medium & large volumes, and are happy to support new company ‘start ups’ & new category development where initial volumes may be low.
- Our focus is our customer; our customer service target is 100% .
- Our short, uncluttered lines of communication & flexible manufacturing processes allow us to react in hours not days.
- Our investment in technology, 20+ years of printing experience & a huge pride & passion for what we do ensures the excellent quality & consistency of our print.
- We are fully accredited, invest heavily in our sites, technology & our people
- We care about the impact of our business on the environment & in the last 12 months we have recycled/reused 770 tonnes waste without sending any to landfill.
- We employ talented people who are passionate about our business
- We have a great supply base of many years standing
- We continually strive to drive efficiency in our business & cost out