Cartonage/KOJ currently employ 54 people. It is company policy not to recruit agency staff.
The average length of service is 15 years – many of the staff who joined Cartonage when the business was first established in 1995 still work here. There are opportunities to develop & progress in the business & further education – NVQ’s, City & Guilds, Proficient printer etc. are supported & actively encouraged.
The business also champions a 3 year ‘Printing Technology’ apprentice scheme.
We have many long & successful trading relationships with a great local supply base; chosen because they have the same company ethics & standards of service & quality.

GREEN SEDEX Audit - Workforce scored Cartonage as 9/10 as a great place to work
‘A happy working environment where Family values are appreciated*…’
‘The management team are professional, courteous & fair*…’
‘The business has high moral & ethical standards*…..’
‘The management team ask our opinions before changes are made*….’
* Source SEDEX Audit